Lace Knit Shawls, Sweaters, Socks & Hats: 26 Designs Inspired by Japanese Stitch Patterns
Stackpole Books
280 Japanese Lace Stitches is a fun and informative resource for knitters. This book is filled with a wonderful variety of beautiful, openwork stitch patterns, including leaf patterns, diamonds, circles and waves - perennial favourites that can be applied to every type of project, from sweaters to blankets. With full-colour photos and expert explanations of the symbols and patterns, knitters can expand their knowledge of this elegant and classic style.
11 basic projects give you a chance to try some of these patterns right away. These gentle introductions include such accessories as:
Japanese knitting guru Gayle Roehm introduces the patterns and explains the ins and outs of Japanese knitting. A handy index allows you to search for patterns by number of steps and stitches required. A section on how to knit the symbols takes you step-by-step through the stitches used in this book.
About the author
Gayle Roehm lived in Japan and studied the language for many years, and has knit from Japanese patterns for most of her knitting career. Gayle teaches at knitting gatherings around the country and occasionally publishes her own designs. In addition to other knitting guides and dictionaries, she is the translator of the 1000 Japanese Knitting & Crochet Stitches.
Format Paperback | 152 pages
Dimensions 1.27 cms H x 28.96 cms L x 21.59 cms W | 0.680g
Publication date 27 April 2021
Publisher Tuttle Publishing
Language English
ISBN: 0804854041 EAN: 9780804854047