Designer Ana Morais Soares has a great passion for colour and blankets. In this book she presents 15 colourful projects, using different crochet techniques and styles. From simple patterns to some more elaborated ones, you'll find beautiful blankets to crochet and snuggle under. They will also add colour to your home. Blankets are crocheted using gorgeous yarns – linen, wool, cotton, or different blends.
About the author of this book
Ana Morais Soares is a Portuguese crochet designer and a lifetime creative. She took the first steps in crochet at the age of 8, guided by her grandmother. Adolescence was devoted to knitting but the crochet bug was always there. It came out again some years ago. After a publishing and public relations career, crafts won her full attention. Besides crochet and knitting Ana also loves to sew. Ana lives in Cascais, near the sea, with her husband, two sons and five cats.
Format Paperback | 144 pages
Dimensions 1.27 cms H x 27.69 cms L x 21.34 cms W | 730g
Publication date 1 April 2020
Publisher Tuva Publishing
Language English
ISBN: 6059192696 EAN: 9786059192699