Knitted Gifts for All Seasons: Easy Projects to Make and Share by Wendy Bernard
AbramsKnitted Gifts for All Seasons is an exciting book from Wendy Bernard, Knitted Gifts for All Seasons is packed with 30 new garments and accessories. Projects are organized by season and range from cosy slippers, mittens, and a pom-pom wreath to Fair Isle yoke-neck sweaters for the whole family. Embracing the full calendar year and a wide spectrum of reasons to gift knits, each project captures the season's essence through colour scheme and project type, resulting in a well-rounded and unique book.
About the author of this book
Wendy Bernard is the author of six knitting books. She lives in California with her family.
Format Paperback | 176 pages
Dimensions 2.03 cms H x 23.88 cms L x 21.34 cms W | 770g
Publication date 30 November 2021
Publisher Abrams
Language English
ISBN: 1419746243 EAN: 9781419746246